Django ModelForm Example to Save into Database

Hi there, today we will see Django ModelForm Example. If you remember the last post, we saw how to implement ListView and DetailsView using generic views. We created a page to take an input of the title and description of  a product and then displayed it using ListView and DetailsView.

The point which I am concerned with is that we had to configure the saving of the data into the database ourselves in the last post. Now what if I told you that we don’t need to manage the database operations by our own in this post. Django will do it all for us. Not only that, it will also create forms (without  writing actual html form ), allow us to update(using UpdateView class) and delete the data(using DeleteView class) on the database without actually having to  write any subsequent code for database related tasks.

Yeah, Model forms along the with class based views are meant for the purposes mentioned above. It pretty much simplifies the things for a developer doing database related tasks. I know this just increased your energy level to learn Model forms. So, without any delay, let’s get started.

To learn Model forms, we’ll take  the same  example as in the  previous post which you must go through before moving ahead in this  post. It will help you get a good grasp over class based views.The link is given below.

Django Class Based Views for Implementing List and DetailsView

Django ModelForm Example Overview

We will be doing the following in this Django ModelForm Example

  • Create a Page for entry of a Product information(title, price and description) and save it into the db(which will be done automatically by model forms).
  • Create the index page where we would view the product entries in an unordered list.
  • On the index page, with each product entry, we would also add the delete and update buttons and configure their functions.

Now that you know what we will be dealing with in this post, let’s start coding the app.

Django ModelForm Example

Creating a new Django Project

  • Run your Windows PowerShell in Administrator Mode and run the following command to navigate into the desktop directory :

  • Run the command below to start a project new django project:

  • As you do, you will see a  folder on your desktop containing the django files named website
  • Open the folder in any Django IDE or any text editor will work fine.
  • Run the command below to change the directory of PowerShell to the folder “website”:

Creating a new App inside the Project

  • Run the command below to start a new app into your project.

  • Here, modelforms is the name of your app. As your run the above command, a folder named modelforms will show up in the website folder.

Coding the App

Creating Model

  • As usual, we need to deal with some data (title, price and desciption). So, we need to create the model of the data and implement that model into the sqlite db of django.
  • To do so, look for the file in your app folder and add the code below:-

  • The function get_absolute_url in the above code simply returns the url to which the the product entry page is forwaded once the submit button is hit. In this case, it will return to the index page after the product entry.
  • To generate the form, model forms simply access the the The names of the parameters here become the respective labels in the form followed by a input box.

Registering Model

  • Now we need to register the above model into the file in the users folder. To do so, add the following code to the file present in  your app folder.

  • By now, the model of the database is ready. But we need to  implement this database into the SQLite db. Doing so the SQLite db will create its own model of the same dataset. To do so,  open the Windows PowerShell and the follow the commands  given below.

Making Migrations

  • Make sure that the shell is navigated into the website  folder and run the following command.

  • Next, run the command below to actually implement it into the database.

  • By now, the database is created into the sqlite db.

Now comes the section where the real magic happens.

Configuring the Views

  • Yes, the class based views  reduce our efforts to quite an extent.
  • So, look for the file in your app folder and add the following code:-

  • In the above code, we made use of following classes in the views:-
  • generic.ListView- To fetch the data from the db and display it using the html.
  • CreateView- To create the form corresponding to the model of the data as in
  • UpdateView- To create the form for the update of the product info and update the db accordingly.
  • DeleteView- To delete the selected product entry from the db.

By now, the backend of the app is ready.

It’s time to write some htmls i.e working on the templates for this project.

Creating UI for Django model forms example

  • Firstly create a directory named templates into the folder modelforms.
  • Now, in the templates folder, create another directory named modelforms and it should be like /modelforms/templates/modelforms/.
  • In the modelforms folder present in templates directory, create a new HTML file called product_form.html and add the following code:-

  • In the same directory, create another html file named index.html and add the code below .This will act as a home page and display the list of product_entries.

  • In the same directory, create one last html file named form-template.html and add the code below .This will serve as a base template for each field in the form. You can see this included in the html of the file product_form.html:-

  • We’re almost done. The UI and backend both are ready. We just need to link the broken ends by configuring the urls. To do so, create a file named in your app folder and add the code below:-

  • Follow the comments to understand the url patterns in the above code.

Finalizing project

  • In the folder website, there’s a file called Update that file with code given below:-

  • Just one last step. Mention your app into the INSTALLED APPS category in the file in your website folder as shown below:-

  • That’s it. We are done coding the app.

Running the App

  • Now lets try running the app. Make sure your development server is running. If not you can use the following command in your Windows PowerShell to run your development server.

Django Model Forms Example

django modelform example

  • As expected, since the database is empty, it says no product entries found on the database. So, go ahead and hit  the “Make a Product entry here” button and it will to take you to the product_entry page as shown in the image below:-


django modelform example

  • Fill the form shown in the image above and hit the submit button. It shall take you to the index page and you will find the  product entry  you just made in the product_list as shown in the image below:-

django modelform example


  • In the above image, the delete and update buttons can be seen.So, go ahead and hit the delete button and you will  see the result as shown below. Hitting the delete button simply deletes that particular data from the database.


django modelform example

  • If you would have hit the update button, you would have been welcomed by the product entry page. And the data which you entered newly for the product overwrites the previous one.

django modelform example

  • Great! It worked out just as expected.
  • You successfully followed this post till the end with full enthusiasm. Congratulations, you are a true django learner. And if you are having some troubles get the source code of this Django ModelForm Example from below.

[sociallocker]Django ModelForm Example Source Code[/sociallocker]

So thats all for this Django ModelForm Example friends. Stay tuned for more Django Tutorials. And please do share the post if you found it helpful. Thank You 🙂

10 thoughts on “Django ModelForm Example to Save into Database”

  1. i’m also getting an error in the INSTALLED APPS file, ‘modelforms.apps.ModelformsConfig’,# this line is added
    no module named apps.

  2. i’m also getting the same ERROR.

    ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘modelforms.urls’

    why people upload the Wrong code.

  3. TemplateDoesNotExist at /modelforms/

    modelforms/index.html, modelforms/product_list.html

    Request Method: GET
    Request URL:
    Django Version: 2.0.1
    Exception Type: TemplateDoesNotExist
    Exception Value:

    modelforms/index.html, modelforms/product_list.html

    Exception Location: C:\Users\Naresh\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\django\template\ in select_template, line 47
    Python Executable: C:\Users\Naresh\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda3\python.exe
    Python Version: 3.6.1
    Python Path:


    Server time: Mon, 19 Mar 2018 05:09:10 +0000

  4. Dear all
    First thanks for this and all the other great tutorials.

    A small advice from my side. For 24 hours it was driving me crazy that when I tried to start the runserver it gave me an error message about the urlCONF in the website’s But as I tested again and again I finally found that it was neither the website’s or the app’s Instead the problem was with the app’s There we had this import of django.core.urlresolvers for reverse_lazy. And this seems to be a depricated module. As I found here, it had to be changed to django.urls. And voila, it worked and the runserver could be started.
    Best regards


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