Wikipedia API Python – Scrapping Wikipedia With Python

Welcome to Wikipedia API Python tutorial. In this tutorial we will learn  scrapping wikipedia data using python. Web scrapping is a very useful task in web development. Many applications require it, so let’s start learning it. I have already uploaded a post about web scrapping ,you can check it first.

    Parsing HTML in Python using BeautifulSoup4 Tutorial     

What Is Wikipedia API ?

Before going further we will discuss a little bit about Wikipedia API.

  • Python provide a module Wikipedia API that is used to extract wikipedia data.
  • The main goal of Wikipedia-API is to provide simple and easy to use API for retrieving informations from Wikipedia.
  • It supports many operations like extracting text, links, contents, summaries etc from wikipedia.
Wikipedia API Python
Wikipedia API Python

Wikipedia API Python – Scrapping Wikipedia Data

python provides a most popular module wikipedia. By using this module we can extract data from wikipedia. So now i am going to explain how to scrap wikipedia’s data and it’s various ways to scrap data.

Installing wikipedia-api Module

For installing wikipedia module, we have to go on terminal and run the following command –

Finally our module has been installed successfully. Now let’s start extracting data from wikipedia.

Create A New Project

Open your python IDE and create a new project and inside this project create a python file. If you are confused about which IDE is best then this link is helpful for you. So in my case my project is like that –

Wikipedia API Python
Wikipedia API Python

And now we will start extracting data so let’s see how to do them ?

Extracting Summary Of An Article

If you want to extract summary of an article on wikipedia then you have to write the following code.

  • First of all import wikipedia this will help to call the method of wikipedia module.
  • summary() is used to extract the summary of an article.
  • Here i am extracting the summary of google on wikipedia. Whatever webpage you want to extract just pass them as parameter to summary() method.

And now you can see the output –

Wikipedia API Python
                                                     Wikipedia API Python

It printed the whole summary but if you want to extract only 2 or 3 sentences or as you wish then you can do so just passing an argument as like below.

This will give you output as below and you can see clearly that it printed only 2 sentences of google’s summary.

Wikipedia API Python
                                                   Wikipedia API Python

Also Read: Python Rest API Example using Bottle Framework

Extracting Search Titles Of The Article

Now, if you want to get the search title of a page that means what are the related searching keyword of a page. For example if you search for facebook that will give all the related keywords of facebook page. So the code for this is –

  • search() method will return you a list of all related search.
  • Here  i am searching for facebook, so let’s see what are the related searches of facebook.
  • In the below output we see the related searches for facebook are Facebook Messenger, Facebook Stories etc.
Wikipedia API Python
                                             Wikipedia API Python


Changing Language Of An Article

You can also change language of the article. You can change it in any language like Hindi,  Tamil , German, Spanish etc. For this you have to write the following code.

  • set_lang() method is used to set the language that you want to set.It takes an argument that is prefix of the language like for arabic prefix is ar and so on.
  • If you want to know about the prefix of the different languages then refer this link but make sure that the Wikipedia should have that article in the language you want.
  • Here i have set the language arabic and article is facebook.It will give the summary of facebook in arabic language that’s so amazing.
Wikipedia API Python
                                                     Wikipedia API Python


Getting Suggestion From Search

Now if you want to get suggestion for what you are searching. For example if you are searching facebook and you are entering facebook as facebok or any thing else. For this purpose we have a method suggest() that makes an intelligent guess on what you are searching and return result. So let’s see how it can be implemented ?

  • Here i am entering the parameter  faceook and this will give you a suggestion. Now lets see what suggestion it will give.
Wikipedia API Python
                                            Wikipedia API Python

Bingo it is suggesting as facebook.

Extracting Complete Content Of A Page

If you want to get complete content from a page on wikipedia then you have to use page() method. It returns you an object that has all necessary function like image_link, content, categories, page_id etc. The code for this is –

  • First of all will store all the relevant informations from the requested page in the variable complete_content. 
  • Then we have to use the content property that will print the entire content from start to end of a page on the screen like below.
Wikipedia API Python
                                                    Wikipedia API Python

So you can see the output as it has printed the entire content but here i can show you only that much part because i can’t take screenshot of entire output.

Getting URL Of A Page

Now getting an URL of a page is pretty easy.For this you have to write the following code –

  • Here i am extracting the URL of facebook page so i have entered facebook as a parameter to page() function.
  • Then you have to use the url property that will give you the URL of the page that you have entered.

So the output is –

Wikipedia API Python
                                                Wikipedia API Python


Extracting Images Included In A Page 

And now if you want to extract images from a page on wikipedia, you can do so by writing following chunks of codes.

  • Here i am passing India as an argument.
  • page_image.images[0] will return the URL of the image that is present at index 0. If you want to fetch another image use index as 1, 2, 3, etc, according to images present in the page.
  • So the output of this code will be –
Wikipedia API Python
                                              Wikipedia API Python

You can see the image by just clicking on this url.

Downloading Images From A Page

You can also download the image to your local directory. For this we use urllib. urllib is basically a Python module that can be used for opening URLs. It defines functions and classes to help in URL actions. So the code for downloading image is –

  • urllib.request module defines functions and classes which help in opening URLs (mostly HTTP) in a complex world — basic and digest authentication, redirections, cookies and more.
  • urllib.request.urlretrieve() will retrieve the image of index 1. It takes two parameters one is the image link and another is the name of image as the name we want to save. Here we gave the image name as loc.jpg .
  • This image will be downloaded in the same directory where our program is saved.

And now we can see that our image is downloaded successfully and the name is loc.jpg .

Wikipedia API Python
            Wikipedia API Python

And the downloaded image i.e., the image of index 1 on facebook page is as below –

Wikipedia API Python
                                     Wikipedia API Python

Extracting The Title Of Page

To extract the title of any page on wikipedia we have to write the following code.

  • Here i am extracting title of Indian Demographic.
  • title property is used to get the title of a page.

So now let’s see what is the result –

Wikipedia API Python
                                      Wikipedia API Python


So guys, this was all about Wikipedia API Python Tutorial. And now if you have any query then leave your comment. And please share this post as much as possible. Thanks every one.

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